Unmelted calcium oxide particles can logically be expected not
to have been in the hotter portions of the fireball.

They then

retain both their irregular shape and their porous structure.
tionation effects result in


relatively nore of the radionuclides

that are volatile or whose progenators are volatile depositing on
these cooler, and consequently unmeited, particles than on the
hotter melted particles.
On the other hand the spherical particles of calcium oxide are
formed from melted calcium oxide in the hotter portions of the fireball.

These then lose the porous structure of unmelted particles,

with the result that hydration in the particles of melted origin
proceeds at a much slower rate.


These spherical particles can logi-

nally be expected te contain mere radicactive debris ef teth structural
material and fission products since more of these vapors would have
been in contact with the molten calcium oxide.

Particle Sizes
Fallout particles range in size from particles smaller than fine
sand, i.e., approximately 100 microns in diameter, in the more distant
portions of the fallout area to pieces about the size of marbles, i.e.,
roughly 1 cm in diameter, close to the point of the explosion,

1964, p. 41).


For ground surface bursts, the distribution in the size

of the fallout particles is lognormal

(normal or Gaussian distribution

law with the logarithm of the particle diameter as the variable) with
mass medians in the order of 100 microns and with logarithmic standard

Select target paragraph3