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Lt. General Carroll H. Dunn



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which are not mentioned in the outline are:




The subject of state or regional conflicts.


The subject of other Federal, State, or local views.

Neither a. nor b. has a place in the draft environmental
statement but both will require discussion in the final.


Within the limitations inherent in planning from assumptions,

the AEC could contribute partial inputs on the following:
Sections 3.b (6); 3.b (7); 3.d (1), (2); 3.f3 4.a. (2);
5.a (1), (2); 5.c; and 6, 7, and 8.

The following comments pertain to the tentative DNA scheduling
for preparation of the environmental impact statement.


A somewhat longer allowance for the initial writing would
be desirable. Perhaps staffing time can be saved if some
of the iterative steps described in the schedule are kept
to an informal basis. We feel it would be important that
the time of publication of the draft statement be carefully
considered to preclude developments that might bias accomplishment of a fair scientific review. Publication of the
final statement should await release of the AEC report on

the radiological survey.


It seems desirable that the draft environmental statement
be publicly available for a few days prior to any hearings

or meetings on that subject.

Perhaps the Eniwetok Council

should not be briefed until at least a week after they have

received the draft statement.

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In keeping with a policy of acting as rapidly as feasible,
a tentative date of 90 days after the draft statement is
issued might be a feasible target for issuing the final
environmental impact statement based on the assumptions
used. Obviously, a final statement must await the results
of the assessment of the radiological conditions as observed
in our survey.
Even if the Eniwetok Council has an official standing in ©

the Federal Government, it would be inappropriate that the
final statement be given them officially for comment.

Their official comments may be generated as written comments
on the draft and/or on the hearings; as a matter of policy

Select target paragraph3