" Lt. General Carroll H. Dunn °


process will probably impose a delay until late summer 1973 before
firm radiological cleanup assumptions can be stated.

The AEC offers the following comments with regard to the proposed
environmental statement outline:

In both Sections 3.b, and 3.c, environmental conditions for
Ujelang and Eniwetok might be assessed on identical bases

so that Ujelang (present home of the Eniwetok people)
conditions could be used as a base of comparison. The
objective in making parallel assessments would be to assure
that comparable environmental values are known for the two
locations. The AEC and DOI would be able to provide in-depth
environmental data on Eniwetok on the basis of about 20
years of study. Unfortunately, other atoll environments
are not as well documented.

Under Section 5.a., as alternatives, we probably must
consider a spectrum of alternatives ranging from status
quo to cleanup and return. Recommend as an outline for

Paragraph 5.a. (1):

+ RG aa



Return of Islands

Status quo return to Trust Territories (TT)


Cleanup and conditional return to TT


Cleanup and unconditional return to TT
(permanent occupancy)."

In Section 5.c., we question whether an economic cost-benefit
analysis of the various alternatives will satisfy NEPA require-

ments completely. The cost-benefit analysis should include
discussion in terms of environmental values as well. A factor
which must be considered in the overall cost-benefit equation

is the international obligation which the United States bears
to the United Nations with regard to administration of the
Trust Territories.


While the DNA draft outline is not in the format that might be
used for an AEC environmental impact statement, it does contain
all of the required elements for a draft statement. Two sections

Select target paragraph3