L. Joe Deal


August 12, 1968 - Press release L~191 stating Bikinians to be
returned to their home atoll and including Ad Hoc Committee


Feb. 3, 1969 ~ Letter Seaborg to Hickel saying AEC will cooperate
in Bikini rehabilitation and assist in funding cleanup.
April 2, 1969 - Memo, McCraw to Distribution, requesting comments

on draft guidance on "Disposal of Scrap Material at Bikini Atoll."


May 13, 1969 - Memo, Biles (0S) to Cluff(NV), with guidance for
the Bikini cleanup operation.


Sept. 16, 1969 - Letter, Smith (HEW) to Cluff (NV), stating radiological cleanup of Bilini Atoll complete.



Sept. 22, 1969 - Letter, Miller (NV) to DeSaussure (DASA), certifying
satisfactory completion of scrap removal.
Oct. 13, 1969 - TWX, Giller (AEC) to Mustin (DASA), giving AEC
certification that radiological cleanup is complete. Note: JTF-8
cleanup group arrived at Bikini Atoll in Feb. 1969.


From the time of completion of the field work to survey Bikini Atoll,
May 1967, until Gustafson's dose estimates were available, April
1968, there was about 12 months. During this time, the laboratory
analysis of samples was performed, results were provided to Gustafson,
and he made the dose estimates.


Concurrent with the availability of Gustafson's estimates, Totter
established the Ad Hoc Committee (April 8, 1968) and they met the
next month, May 13-15, 1968).



> ee IRR


From the time of the first meeting of the Ad Hoc Committee, May 13-15,
1968, until their report was made and the results announced, Aug. 12,
1968, there was three months.


From the time of the press release, Aug. 12, 1968, until agreements
were completed on funding and agency responsibilities, Feb. 3, 1969

(approximately), six months passed.

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