
- 2.



To locate and evaluate any significant radiological hazards which may
complicate cleanup activities.
To identify sources of direct radiation and food chain-to-man paths
having radiological implications.

Survey Plan

The Radiological Survey Plan, which describes the manner in which the

téchnical objectives are to be achieved, is attached as Appendix A.

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Authorities and Responsibilities
Authorization and guidance for the Eniwetok Atoll pre-cleanup radiological survey
was furnished NV per teletype from AEC Headquarters dated September 13, 1972,
attached as Appendix B.

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Within the Nevada Operations Office, the Assistant Manager for Operations will
be responsible to the Manager for successful accomplishment of the objectives

The Division of Military Application will provide overall Washington direction
and will coordinate AEC policy relating to the conduct of the survey itself,
Standards and requirements for the survey have been defined by the Division of

Operational Safety and Biomedical and Environmental Research, and are incorporated in the Survey Plan.

of the Eniwetok Atoll radiological survey, laboratory analysis effort and for

preparation of the required survey and study reports. He will be supported by
a Technical Director who shall have full authority and responsibility for the
technical conduct and execution of the survey plan. The Assistant Manager for
Operations will be assisted, to the extent required by the Assistant Manager for
Engineering and Logistics, and the Director, Pacific Area Support Office, in

matters of field support.

To prepare a plan for the conduct of the field survey and for the analysis


To select personnel to conduct the field survey.




Within this framework, NV's responsibilities are as

of samples obtained, utilizing necessary laboratory and contractor support.

Toselect laboratories and personnel to accomplish the laboratory analysis

work, This task includes the establishment of procedures, standards and
methods for the correlation of data between laboratories.
To support AEC Headquarters activities required for pathway and dose

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