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To measure airborne radioactivity for assessment of theinhalation
pathway of exposure, particularly for e395, The air sampling

program will address this exposure route at the numerous "clean
islands" and also in the more contaminated areas such as the

environment on Runit (Yvonne).

To correlate the food-chain sampling program with the field gamma
measurements and soil sampling program in order to maximize the
information available to quantify rates and mechanisms of transfer
of radionuclides from soil to man through food-chains.

The field

survey team will obtain plant samples wherever possible from the
soil sampling sites; the terrestrial food-chain team will obtain
‘some soil samples, where necessary, in the areas where they sample

Air Sampling


Airborne particulates will be sampled by means of three types of samples:

Ultra-high volume. (UHV) samples: - Two calibrated UHV samplers will be
operated at a rate of 1000 cfm.

One such sampler will be operated con-

tinuously on Eniwetok Island (Fred).

The other sampler will be trans-

ported from island to island for measurements.

Measurements will be

made also at selected offshore sites on the LCU.


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edible plants such as pandanus and arrowroot.

Both samplers will

be supported by gross meteorological measurement of wind speed and
direction to aid in the interpretation of sources of detected radioactivity.


Low-volume (LV) samplers: - A large number of calibrated 5 cfm LV
samplers will be fielded and operated on a semi-continuous basis.
Banks of these samplers will operate continuously on board the
Palumbo and the LCU used in marine sampling and transportation,
Others will be fielded strategically to investigate radionuclide
levels in ai


downwind from contaminated areas,

Anderson Cascade Impactors - Two 20 cfm, 5 stage cascade impactors

will be used to obtain long-term samples of air for investigation of

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the size distribution of airborne radioactive particles.
This combination of sir samplers will be utilized to address
the question of potential exposure to future inhabitants through
inhalation of airborne radioactive particles,

The initial plan will

provide sufficient data to ascertain whether-or-not 259py exists
in the air at levels in excess of worldwide fallout background
and to define the
- -19-

Select target paragraph3