and Gunnery Range. Construction included dormitories, equipment,
buiddings and a small air strip. Since that time, the National

Advisory Committee for Aeronautics has announced that U-2 jet air-

craft with special characteristics for flight at exceptionally

high altitudes have been flown from the Watertown strip with logis-

tical and technical support by the Air Weather Service of the U. S.

Air Force to make weather observations at heights that cannot be

attained by most aircraft.


Other Projects at NTS. From time to time, the Nevada Test
Site is the scene of studies or tests of various kinds, because of
its isolation or because of the history of previous nuclear detonations there. For example in 1955 the Federal Civil Defense Administration conducted its "Operation ARME", an aerial and ground
monitoring exercise for FCDA personnel, in Yucca Flat where nuclear
detonations had occurred earlier in the year. In April, 1957, high
explosives were set off inside a prototype process structure in a
remote area of the Test Site to test the explosive-containing
characteristics of the structure. Additionally, the Test Site is
used from time to time for other similar activities connected with
the programs of the AEC, the DOD, the FCDA, or other agencies.

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