Buildup in Laboratories and at the Site
Soon after the schedule is planned, the design and construction of specialized instrumentation begins in home installations,
or elsewhere in educational or industrial installations, Prelimi-

nary laboratory calculations and experiments, and the design of
the nuclear device itself, are pushed. Construction of technical
facilities begins.

The final schedule of shots is proposed perhaps two months
before the series, including the technical and public safety justifications for each shot, and Presidential approval obtained for
the expenditure of fissionable materials.
Similar buildup progresses in many places. The Armed Forces
plan their experiments, their troop training programs, the allocetion of aircraft, and support services, these activities reaching
out te a multitude of service laboratories and other installations,
and to private contractors. FCDA likewise has to start early on
arranging for and programming its experiments and training programs.
Obtaining the proper security clearance for participating
personnel is itself a factor requiring a considerable lead time in
The buildup of activity in Camp Mercury, and on Nevada Test
Site begins months before the first shot with start of construction.
As the series draws near, the construction activity decreases and

the movement of military and civilian technicians and service personnel increases. Camp Desert Rock usually begins building up
about two months before the series. Indian Springs Air Force Base
has a somewhat later influx.
The Move to Nevada

At about minus one month scientists and technicians involved
in early experiments move to Nevada to supervise final construction
and equipment of their experiments. Final installation, wiring,
and checking of instruments is supposed to be accomplished by minus
two days, but may continue into the night before a shot.
The formal "operational period" of the series is usually approximately two or three weeks before the first shot. As of this
date, the_Test Manager takes over responsibility for all test operations in Nevada, retaining the responsibility until a week or two
after the series ends.



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