Other shots have been primarily for military weapons effects,

bet almost all have been used to answer both diagnostic (for weapons development) and effects questions (for military or civilian

agencies). For example, one recent series had 24 formal technical
programs, of which seven were diagnostic, nine were for military

effects, and eight were for civil effects.

Experiments to measure the ‘effects of atomic weapons, from the
military viewpoint, are conducted under the technical direction of
the Armed Forces Special Weapons Project, through its Field Command
Weapons Effects Tests Division, Sandia Base, Albuquerque. The experiments are conducted by laboratories and organizations of the

Armed Forces, by their contractors, and by cooperating laboratories
of other government agencies, These experiments have included
tests of blast effect on structures, on military aircraft and
other vehicles, on material and military-type installation, on
various types of surfaces such as lakes or forests, and have
included biomedical studies using large and small animals.
The civil effects program includes experiments and studies to

determine the structural and. biological effects. These are conducted under the direction of the anu's Division of Biology and Medicine.
Participating are AEC National Laboratories, the Federal Civil Defense Administration, educational institutions, private medical or

research institutions, and private industrial organizations.

Essentially as part of the civil effects program, there have
been continuing scientific projects for study of radiation effects
through off-site fallout. These projects have included efforts to
document intensity patterns, particle size, and radiostrontium
deposition. Field studies have been made on the way fallout particles are taken up by plant life, then by rodents and other plant-~
eating animals, and finally by larger meat-eating animals which
prey on rodents.

Laboratory rodents and larger animals have been

used in biomedical effects programs. The rats and mice used have
been of specially bred laboratory strains with known characteristics.
The information gained has influenced the safety of all individuals
exposed to radiation, provided additional safety to workers in the
atomic energy program, helped safeguard and prepare military per“sonnel against possible enemy attacks, and helped citizens throughout the Nation prepare for self-protection in case of enemy attack.
Other uses include military observation, troop maneuvers, and
flyover training; and Congressional, civil defense, and news
correspondent observation.
Three Nevada shots have been opened to Civil Defense observers,
public officials, and news representatives: April 22, 1952; March
17, 1953; and May 5, 1955. These and other shots have involved
major FCDA experiments and training for FCDA personnel.

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