

The Atomic Energy Commission is responsiblefor developing

atomic weapons of requisite yield, variety, practical u‘ility, and

deliverability, and for manufacturing and putting into storage or
delivering to the Armed Forses atomic weapons of the types and
numbers specified in schedules established by the Joint Chiefs of

For the development of new and improved nuclear weapons, the
Nation depends on the ingenuity of the scientists in its contract
laboratories at Los Alamos and Albuquerque, New Mexico, and at
Livermore, California, assisted by military scientists who contribute
ideas and developmental concepts,
The Los Alamos Scientific Laboratory and the University of
California Radiation Laboratory at Livermore (both operated for the
Commission by the University of California) are concerned primarily
with devising systems whereby atomic explosives may be fitted into
militarily useful systems,
After such a system has been devised, it still must be fitted
into an efficient and practical atomic weapon, The job of building
the explosive system into a practical weapon is the primary concern
of the Sandia Laboratory (operated for the Commission by Sandia

Corporation, a unit of the Bell System.)

The Armed Forces are cesponsible for establishing the criteria
for atomic weapons, for developing and producing the vehicles for
delivery and mating the vehicles with the weapons, for training men
in their employment, and for military defense against nuclear attack,
The major point of field coordination of the Armed Forces! programs
with the AEC's weapons laboratories is in Field Command, Armed Forces
Special Weapons Project, Sandia Base, Albuquerque.
The Federal Civil Defense Administration is responsible primarily for determining the possible effects of nuclear attack on
the civilian pepulation, and of marshalling civilian resources for
defense against such an attack.

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The pesponsibilities of all these agencies are interconnected,
and all depend upon knowledge of atomic explosive phenomena and of
the effects of nuclear detonations, Field tests are fired to obtain
this vital knowledge,


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