Martin B,. Bilas

There. were a large number of rats in and around the camp area. They
were a nuisance at night what with sleeping on th2 floor. The problea

was more imaginary than real,

However, there was som: "running across."

One item not related to the survey is worth mentioning.

A jet type Navy

target drone aircraft with a wing span of about 18 feet was found washed

up on the ocean shore near tha How camp site. It bore the markinss
BOM=34A, VC-3,436. Compartiwents in the nose of the aircraft were
damaged, ware op2n to salt water, and ecuimsent inside heavily ccrroded..

I opened the rear compartment with Mr, Kirk's help and found it had

remained sealed against tha salt water and thea equipment inside was
undamaged. We removed the two majer compenents in the compartment which

consisted of tha syro portion and the receiver portion of tha guidance

and control systems, When examined these were found to ba in good cone
dition and were transported to Kwajalein and turned over to a Navy repre~
sentative. It is my guess that this equipment would be valued ac several

thousand dollars,


Part of the team, of which I was one, went back to Enau late Friday afterenoon, °
Saturday morning Lynch and I photographed the servicing of the four air
samplers running on neu, Th2se were located as shown below:

Those operating the samplers were experiencing difficulty with carbon

_ loading of cylinder heads, valves, and spark plugs in the sampler
engines. Engine heads ware pulled frequently to clean out carbon.
Tha gasoline was suspected to be the cause of this problem.

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Select target paragraph3