Martin 3B. Biles

‘Btation #5

+ 3 ft.

20 unfine

avg. = 22 uR/hr
The air sampler station locations were as follows;

Number 1 was just off the Lagoon road near the How camp site in a
position such that it would experience the dust from the road.

Number 2, 4, and 5 were on the Center Line hoad with 2 near the
beach landing site on the lagoon side of the road, 4 on the concrete

launch pad site mideisland, and 5 was near the ocean shore and uprind

of the other two as the wind wes blewing across the island from the
ocean side toward the lagoon. Number 3 was near the North end of ths
island and inshore from the lagoon road.
Friday, made measurements at the soil pit dug by Eagle nzar the How
camp site.

At plus 3 feet above ground the instrument reed 85 ph/hr.

At the bottom of the pit, about 3 feet down, it read 25 uR/hr.
surface soil had fallen into the pit.


Next we drained water from one cistern down to the level of the outlet
pipe (it was almost empty from taking showers) and then pumped the
. level down further with a‘gasoline powered pump. Thera remained about
3/4 inch of water in the bottom of the cistern that the puyp would not

pick up.

The cistern walls were about 6 inches thick. The thickness

-O£ the floor slab is not known, |


Next I made measurements around the cistern out at a distance of about

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20 feet.




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