Martin B. Biles


The Hafa Adal dropped us at Enldrik so we could search for coconut
crabs, Tha ship moved cown to Aerokoj whera thay would pick us up
later. No crabs were found. We took the small boat across tha pass
from Enidrik to Eneman. The low spot on Eneman where the highest

radiation levels and highest Pu values were found was observed under
water (the first time I had seen it this way in six visits). The

water was about a foot deep in tha middle. Ten cockie cutter soil
samples were taken 5 feet apart in a dry area showing 100 to 150 pR/hr.
The radiation level inside tha photo bunker, a short distance down

the island, was 2 wh/hr. Outside levels wera between 1 and3 wR/hr.
A pile of lead scrap near the bunker showed 1 to 3 pR/hr. The first
aggregate pile encountered walking East along the Pater-Oboa compiex

shoved 1 to 2 phk/hr with the 132ter placed in tha apsregate.
second agsregate pile read tha sams.


After making these m2asurements,

we boarded the ship and went back to Bikini.

Saturday morning Mr. Catlin and Mr. Thalgott left Bikini on the Haza
Adai at 0909. Lynch end I set about trying to rig a house simulator

using aggregate from th pile near the camp on Bikini (Peter-Oboe
aggregate). Two cardboard boxes, one inside the other, were used to forn

wall spaces six inches thick.







. i

Plan View |



i Tha boxes plus bags of aggregate wa carried to a point 350 feet inland
from the lagoon road near mideisland and East of a small concrete house,


7 ween.




Radiation levels in the area were 120, 125, 130, and 125 pR/hr.
at ground level where the simulator was placed was 125 pR/hr.


‘he large

box was put in place and aggregate added to fomn a layer 6 inches Geep.
The w2ter was centered in the box over the ‘6 inch layer and the reading
waa 75 pR/hr. Next the smaller box was put in place and aggregate

added as shown.


Select target paragraph3