Martin B. Biles


2. Repair of equipment, mostly through cannibalization.


Digging holes for coconut plantings using heavy equipment

on Eneu (no trees planted - just holes dug).

Driving tractor along cleared paths on Bikini to keep them open
from new scrub growth,

Planting of coconuts had coms to a halt since much of this is hand

Most of th2 equipment left after cleanup operationsis now

unusable due to lack of maintenance and spare parts. Thea one mechanic
has no tina for preventative maintenance and repair of aquipment consists largely of temporary measures.
Mr. Glenn stated that he was expecting the arrival of a group of high

school students who will work in the Atoll ducing tha sunmar months.
After leaving Bikini, lir. Nakanisi was to recruit new vorkers for
the agricultural project. Workers othar than EBikinians will also
be hired if tha workers from Kili stay on strike.

One problem Nr. Glann has that is a nuisance but could be serious is

communications with the outsid2 world. Th2re was one tuba type radio
transceiver on Eneu and no backup equipment other than spare tubas.

Majuro, Kvajalein, or a ship nearby could sometimes ba contacted. At
Other timas no station could be raised. Ur. Glenn reported that the
. radio set had broken down on occasion and they ware once without any
possibility of outside contact for several weeks until a ship arrived.
This could be serious since there is only a first aid tent with some
supplies left from cleanup days and no medical person on the Atoll.
Upon arrival at Ensu, the survey equipment was off-eloaded,
members carried a considerable share of this heavy work.

The team

As s00n as

the air samplers were ashore, they were lined up, fueled, and test

runs made.

Dob Catlin and I photographed the coconut tree nursery

and the treas plented in rows SE of the runway.
taken of air samples checkout.

Photos were also

_In discussions with Mr. Nakanisi about the vegetation that was knocked
down in clearing the strips on Bikini, h2 stated he would very much

' like information on tha powered ehradders that can chop up vegetation.
I agreed to obtain this and tend it to him. He also stated they will
soon be planting a gard2n on Bikini. I expressed an interest in ob«
taining samples which he said they would be happy to supply.

Select target paragraph3