ground is considered to be the principal pathway for receiving dose from
these elements. (Less than 0.001 rem in 30 years to lung is predicted
by the pathway for the planned Enewetak lifestyle.) To minimize this

dose pathway and to allow for wnlimited use of Enewetak Atoll in the
future, the cleanup concentrated on the removal of high concentrations
of transuranic elements present in soil. The excised soil was encrypted
along with the radioactive debris on the quarantined island. Transuranic

elements at Enewetak will not contribute significantly to any dose

resettlers receive, and residual levels are now sufficiently low that
wore extensive use of the atoll is foreseeable in the future.

Bikini Atoll was a second site of nuclear weapons testing and it was

resettled in the early 1970's.

Dose estimation methods available at

that time were not as valid as methods available in planning the Enewetak
resettlement. Recent assessments revealed that the Bikinians were
receiving radiation doses which, if continued, might cause permissible

limits to be exceeded.

To avoid that possibility, the Bikinians were

relocated from their atoll.

Although Bikini and Enewetak Atolls are

equivalent in most respects, they differ significantly in regards to
Tadioactivity and the lifestyle authorized. At Bikini Atoll, the
tesidence island is over 100 times more contaminated with significant
radioactivity from nuclear weapons tests than any of the islands to
serve as residence in the lifestyle planned for Enewetak Atoll. Addi-

tionally, the Bikini residence island is the principal source of domestic

food and it camtains about 10 times more radioactivity than do the


7 Se Ry Di Aierlinroreal Vas

northern ‘coconut isiandas’ at Enewetak Atoll. Accordingly, if the
People of Enewetak abide by the reasonable restrictions to which they
have agreed, it is not likely that they will receive radiation doses in
excess of recognizable limits or suffer any additional relocations.

Select target paragraph3