The field effort was supported by appropriate marine operations.


vessels ranging from various small craft to a large -ampetbieuws- LCU were used
for the complete survey effort. ‘The soils/radiation crews utilized, for
their primary water transportation, an AEC-owned, 24-foot fiberglass boat.
This, of course, put additional limitations on personnel, equipment, instrumentation and soil samples which could be safely carried aboard and landed

through the various surf conditions in the rubber dinghy.

The dinghy was


also carried aboard the boat.

Soils Collection
The soils collection effort was scheduled under two basic conditions.
First, an effort was made to address the least contaminated islands first
and then proceed to the more heavily contaminated islands. - Second, due to
time and vessel limitations, full advantage had to be taken of the current
weather and sea conditions.
The first condition reflected good laboratory practice to prevent crosscontamination of samples.
and took precedence.

The second condition was primarily safety-oriented

Following these constraints resulted in a grouping of

the islands by phase, as planned; however, the Phase I, Group II islands of

DAVID, ELMER and FRED were held in reserve because of their easy access.
Whenever bad weather prevented up-Atoll operations, the crews sampled these

three "easy" islands.
Random Samples were usually collected on each island first and taken back
to FRED for a quick gamma scan.

‘If a hot spot or other radiological anomaly

was indicated either by the gamma scan or the portable instrument readings,
additional objective samples were taken.
TLD soil samples were collected concurrently with the random samples as
the soils crews were in the area.

Select target paragraph3