
Stratification into two parts (equal sample numbers) for each island,

to + 40% of the strata mean.


Gross profile to a depth of 35 cm of the group to + 27% of the group


For arbitrary areas (strata), with sufficient number of samples, estimate crude volumes of soil.

With these requirements above, there should be enough information to fornulate an estimate of what could be expected to be cleaned up by island, given
appropriate criteria.

In most cases, these islands are relatively small and

fractions of them would be a sufficient precleanup estimate to work upon.


exact volumes of soil requiring cleanup would have to wait cleanup criteria

and the massive sampling program such an effort would require.
Phase III Islands.

These islands were designated with the relative tern

"moderately contaminated".

this phase:

Four islands and a tiny new islet are included in


and what we chose to call SALLY'S CHILD, @ small islet on the reef apparently
formed by the deposition of sand and debris from the region between SALLY and
All of these islands in Phase III were the sites of surface ground zeros
whose events had left their obvious marks upon the islands.

The historical

search indicated that there had been considerable insult done to these islands
from close-in fallout and some had. or were expected to have burial grounds.

IRENE (BOGON) was a medium-sized island whose single nuclear test left
a sizeable crater now filled with water.

This island had massive construction

efforts during the setup for its own shot (SEMINOLE), as well as considerable
activity in preparation for the MIKE and KOA events.

During the preparation

phases for the KOA and SEMINOLE events, much contamination from the MIKE test


Select target paragraph3