Although TILDA and URSULA had been visited in July 1971 and soil samples
and exposure rates were obtained, only one soil sample was taken on each
island, not enough to really work with.

The exposure rates were a little

Lower than the ALICE througn ELIiA chain, but well above mean rates for Phase
I islands.

Also, the proximity to SGZ's and fallout insult rank placed

these islands in a category by themselves.

The island of PEARL had an 5GZ and probably should have been placed with

the other islands with surface ground zeros (Phase III).

Its uniqueness to

the rest of the islands of Phase II, Group II was recognized.

It did receive

a much greater sampling density.
Because of the anticipated contamination levels and exposure rates, the
numbers and depths of the soil samples were chosen to provide enough information
(statistically) to be able to determine the following:

Phase II, Group I (Design Values)

Mean soil concentration value for the group to + 15% of group mean.


Mean concentration for each individual island to + 30% of island
" mean.


Excluding EDNA, (a sandbar) stratification into two parts (equal
sample number) for each island; i.e., lagoon versus ocean side to

+ 356 of strata mean.

Gross profile to a depth of 35 em of the group to + Lg of the group

Phase II, Group II (Design Values)

Mean concentration for the goup to + 10% of group mean.


Mean concentration for each individual island to + 30% of the island

Select target paragraph3