The decontamination pad on ELMER was treated separately with sufficient samples taken to differentiate this small area from any other
portion of the island.

The decontamination pads on FRED were made of

concrete and could not be sampled,
Radiologically, the Phase I, Group II islands did not differ from
the Phase I, Group I islands,

Had they not been the sites for habitation,

their sampling would have been considerably reduced.
The Phase L, Group III islands differed from the other Phase I
islands only in size.

At the beginning of the survey, these islands were

not considered in the sampling effort; they were too small.

After the

aerial survey, which did not indicate any elevated levels on these islands,
it was thought prudent to include them in the sampling effort.

They were

very small islets in between other islands of Phase I and were expected to
have the same radiological conditions.

They were to be treated in the

same manner as Phase I, Group I islands and stratified as a single group.

Phase II Islands.

The Phase II islands were termed to be “lightly"

contaminated based on the historical background, ranking of islands from

insult, and previous surveys,
course, only a relative one.

The term "lightly contaminated" is, of
The islands were expected and assumed to be

significantly more contaminated than any of the Phase I islands,


the exposure rates found on ALICE through EDNA from previous surveys, and
their relative positions (and fallout insult) to the SGZ islands and sites,
two groups of islands were developed:

Phase II, Group I, those islands

which had been visited, and of which something was known, and Phase II,
Group II islands which had not been recently visited (with two exceptions,
TILDA and URSULA) , but from all indications would appear to be similar in

fallout insult and exposure rate to the Phase II, Group I islands.

Select target paragraph3