
approach each other in pattern with passage of time.
the early period after the shot there


of course,

variety of radioactive isotopes present than later,

a greater
and there

is some indication that selective uptake might be more marked
or selective exclusion less marked during this period.


the shorter-lived isotopes decay and decrease in importance,

leaving fewer radioactive materials available, the decline and
decay of radioactivity in the different tissues and species
show greater similarities.
The data presented do not permit exact distinctions between tissues or between different species on the basis of
differences in the uptake of radioactive materials.

It appears

from the decay curves and the decline trends that the fish

tissues differ mainly in orders of magnitude rather than in
quality after the first 100 days,

although there is the possi-

bility of different isotopes with similar half lives being
Radiochemical analysis done within two months on fish collected two to three months after shot contained MnD4 , Fe-?,Coo7,


and gn©5, with Fe°> and zn©5 as the dominant isotopes.

Fish collected within one month after the 1954 shots and analyzed

January 1957 contained 95 percent Fe;

Mn54 Col’, and 669

(Lowman, Palumbo and South, 1957) contributed the remainder of
the radioactivity.

There may be fission products in the fish

the first few weeks or months after the shot, but after four or
five months fission products contribute very little,
the total radioactivity in the fish.

if any,


Select target paragraph3