places certain requirements on the medium.
poses of crater investigation,

At a minimum for the pur-

it is required that the properties of

the medium at equivalent locations (scaled) in two exper


& must be

This requirement is cémpletely met if thetwo media are

homogeneous, isotropic, and identical.

The 7

getfes of earth, how-

ever, are greatly affected by cverourdened#tieere: Thuseisasate
sense the properties of eartn are-efdssly dependent on actual (not scaled) deptn below tne surface, Bhd in a dynamic sense these properties
will be similarly affected by the oressure produced by the explosion.
Thus one of the fundamental conditions for the proper application of
simple scaling laws is violated.
The greater the range of size of explosion, and hence of depths, the more serious this violation becomes.
A further difficulty with the application of theory occurs in situations such as existed on CASTLE, where two media, earth and water, were
involved, and where the earth was saturated so that forces were transmitted by a complicated combination of intergranular forces and hydraulic


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