Honorable Olympio T. Borja

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AUG 21 1973

I have been informed by Dr. Conard that, in view of Lekoj Anjain's

death, he will have a special team conduct a hematologic survey during
the interim period between the annual surveys.
In this way it should
be possible to detect any disease-related hematologic abnormalities
at an early stage.

Relative to the funding of Dr. Conard's work, the level of AEC

financial support has enabled his surveys to include an extensive
battery of relevant tests. As need arises for additional procedures
or projects, Dr, Conard submits his requests to AEC where they are
considered for approval by our staff.
In fact, AEC is now considering
the acquisition of a vessel

to be used by Dr. Knudsen and the medical

survey teams as well as by other AEC-sponsored biomedical and radiological groups. Such a vessel would make possible more frequent visits

to Rongelap and Utirik atolls.

With respect to the concern of the people over eating certain foods,
only one food item, the coconut crab, was restricted in the past, and
that restriction was liberalized for Rongelap recently.
It is unfortunate that the population has been fearful of eating other foods which
have been considered safe for consumption. Repeated reassurance is
probably the most effective means of combating this fear. Your committee
and other respected Micronesian citizens are probably best able to assure
the inhabitants of the islands of the safety of those foods. Dr. Conard
has informed us that he and members of his scientific team will contribute their scientific expertise in support of this important educational
I have brought to the attention of AEC personnel who conduct radiological
surveys in the Marshall Islands your suggestion concerning another radiological survey of Rongelap and Utirik and a subsequent report on the
survey to be written in the Marshallese language. You undoubtedly are
aware that AEC surveyed Bikini Atoll at various times from 1967 to 1972,
and recently conducted a survey of Eniwetok Atoll from October 1972 to
February 1973. At present, the extensive data accumulated during this
latest survey are being analyzed.
It is our wish to have the Eniwetok
people fully informed of the results of the survey in order that they
may participate in a knowledgeable manner in the decisions and planning
for their return to the Eniwetok Atoll. We are in fact taking the
necessary action to have the essential results of this survey made




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available in the Marshallese language.

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