
We recommended that the BNL and the AEC help give extra training to

the health aides on Rongelap and Utirik and that a monthly report


sent “in by ship or radio on the health of the people.
Nothing has been done about extra training--but there will be extra

and his replacement.

We understand that the —

monthly reports will be sent in and that this


is standard practice.

We recommended that: the Division of Community Development try to

help the people of Utirik and Rongelap with assistance in agriculture,

and handicraft because we noted,

that many of the young people have

especially on Rongelap,

left the island and the older people

have little money.
Nothing has been done and we will follow up on this.

The Congresg of Micronesia

We recommended that the Congress of Micronesia pass a law which will

provide benefits such as free transportation,

per diem and health care

for exposed and control persons from Utirik and Reongelap.


been done.


We recommended that the Congress,. working with the Department of

Health Services and Dr. Conard, make a book for each control and exposed
person which could be used as identification when the people go into
Ma juro or Ebeye for examination.
This has been changed.

We have asked Dr, Conard to make identification

cards, with the picture of each person on it instead of books.


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visits by Dr.

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