an et e
F net




The ratio.ale for talle Ia i: as follews:

v.c total effective | iolsst

dose tos! woul’ te received if evacuatio: were .o1 ordered is obviously a

Another co:cideratio: is the faet tet mic an action

#3 evacuatic: could be dawerous to tie incivicuals ad eoulc also possi*ly
e detrime tal to a ver; receaseary national effort of weapons develorment,.

One mint te ags-, “Wot


ow muc will te ga! ied (radiation dose saved) by
of these two varia: les are incicated is table Ia,

Thus, @ populace mA: receive up to @ calculated M roeatgo:. effective | iological
cose £. one veur wit} sot in. featig evacuatioy

we yibe oe. sidered onl

Bq. Bcliodp

from 30 to 50 roentgens,

ir at least 2! roestge..s covldc ve saved

ac at Go roanigensc or

isher evagnation wocls be incleated

w.tuget regard to tor moigl ae gavl.y3 in raciatio. cose

a@ rovc

estimate of raciat’s: desea, one may calculate a

tieoret.cai maximim 2. nit- panumé cose 6 - tren ar itraril> Civide ©:
Tic er acc


as "2" fer an esti <cie of cose actuall: recelved,


FT creas t is

may te setir’ectoy: asa first a:-proxisat..., a more realistic esitiaete should
we. deall-: with coses trat mie

t constitute a cecal


“e@oacce, eaprciall

ime to fe vegessit: of maxi 4 earl: measvrevents

and deeigiois, Li is

t. be expected teat dose-ratc read: gs, taxen wit. survey meters, will be t e

availatle evidence &@1 the times of concer...

72 le I:

surmarises t-e parazrters

considered 1- estimati-; a: effective *iolerical cose based on dose-rate



Pee ee

Lie TS


Select target paragraph3