Integrating equation (2),


CS Say (tyet = o70-2,


Led, -0.2_,tat<0, O02)
€ SAgtT(t
where: Cc @ # total nuzber of disintegrations from tine “a* to *b*
t, B tice efter detonation

%, ™ later tine after detonetion.
khen t, ie infinite,


Coc = SAF
By the use of equation. 3.6. or 3.b, ani 6.t. one may corpute an

ectirrte” dove at the surface of ar toaginary erhere,
Cf course, the problen 4: the determination of t* and "t,"s 1.@.,
how long efter detonation will eo radioactive particle appear in the lungs

anc how lens will the particle recain in place,

The first tine (t) is mck

eecier to astirate ther the later (t,).

(ee text page 53)
DCins Vy

Select target paragraph3