swee; 4 to 6 cycles per second.

The probability of « particle remaining

within one millimeter sone for aa much as one-half hour appears to be
vanishing small. ... Protection will also be provided by the muous
lining which 4s itself renewed several times an hour."

Accepting the

estinates above and rad metbods illustrated in appendices E and F, it nay be
conyuted thet about $3 reps would be delivered to the surface ef an


ary stationary sphere one millimeter ts radius by a 20 micron particle (@¢.2°
steromerts)"ge doses Liat ‘be detivered closer to the particle but
with the relatively rapid movement of the particle, it does net
that large doses will be delivered tc a great muxber of cells.


ex;osures might oecur from efiitional particles but again this risk 4s
difficult to evaluate.

Considerable effort is being directed toward the study of eontam

ination of food froz fallout. One element of major concern is Sr™, It
has been estimated thet if one vere to subsist entirely onbyeeon froz

sceils containing about, one xicrocurle per square foot of Sr

(1,000 pounds

of ealciun per acre}, that over a period of years there would accwmlate in

the huran skeleton a body burden of one xicrocurie of Sr°*, Soils taken



Files fron the Nevada froving Grounds, now show a concentration


microcuries per square foot.

*irivate communication, L. 4. Dean, U. 5. Departnent of agriculture,
Beltsville, Maryland, April 23, 195...

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Select target paragraph3