sbout 52 tine: lese than the maxinun

permiszible azsount.

Norma) facters of

dilution by additional reinfell and/or by the influx of lesser contaminated

k frgt Tet
ground water vould. reduce the level of activity.

Considerable effort has and is being made to evaluste hazards fron

sirborne radioactive materials, including fission products.

There are eer-

tainly many unansvered problezs including the possible basard frem a aingle
particle in the lungs.

Despite the uncertainties and as yet incesplete

analysis of the inhalation hazard, the mreponderance of evidence today is
that the external gamma hazarc fron fallout is the more

the twot.

liniting factor of

(However, see discussion on food contanination.)

During Upshot-Knothole quite complete data were eollected of concentrations of airborne activity en about 150 occasions in some 40 different
localities within

200 miles of the Fevada froving Grounds,

monitoring of all detonations.

These included

Histograms were nade of air eoncentrati ons

vercus tine efter detonation for 30 eecasions and estimates were sade of
deses to the lungs.

These data for the five communities showing the highest

alr coucentrution are given in Table Vi.b.

The histogram for St. George (the


high[ats hour average concentration of fallout ever measured in a populated
aren) 43 reproduced in Appendix J.

#Acd Hoc Comittes Meeting.

Washington, D.C,

January 20, 1954.

Ue ACC rien



Select target paragraph3