Cc: nae

An estizate of beta doses at the surface of an iraginary ephere surrcunding

a fallout particle is given in Appendix FE and an estizate of beta doses frox
a single particle required to produce recognisable erythena is presented in
Appendix F,

Caleulations indicate that the speeific activity of some indivi-~-

dual particles found in fallout would be great enough to produce recognizable

erythesa if held in contact with the skin for leas tnan one day, yet the gama

dose rate reading at 4 inches may be quite small,

(See Appendix @.)

Additional information on deses from individual particles has recently
been reported®.


particles found in and around Hanford eonsisted princi-~

pally of threes radioisotopes, KAS, Fut and its daughter Fh2°6,

the date

and calculations in Appendix H also strongly indicate that a single fallout
particle could produce « recognisable erythens.

In the case of contanination of elothing, higher dose rates might be
tolerated than those for exposed parts of the body,

This was exenplified

in the natives where no beta burns were observed unier elothing of the nost

highly contaminated personnel.

(This does not include such areas as wider

the waist line vhere material apparently collected and was hel? inplace.)
On the other hand, very large increases in contarination ahoulé not be tale
erated since it ts possible for the elothing to be rearranged so as to bring

the eontarinated surface in contact with the akin.

Purther, it fs net

unlikely that one mey rub his hands over his clothing and then through the


halr vhere ‘tt could be held in plase for reletively long perioda of tine.


A status report. Sept. 15, 1954.




Select target paragraph3