Tre picture ls further confused because soue of the natives had bathed and
sor@ had not before the arrival of the evacuation tean.

Most of the 22 5.8. Service personnel stationed on mmivetak Island,
Rongerik Atoll, received about 40-$0 roentgens, based en filu badge reade

Three cexbers of the group who were located for part of the tixe in

another section of the island were estinated to have recelved somewhat
higher coses.

Seventeen ef the 22 personnel shoved enly slight supa

ficial lesions with one questionable case of epilation.

It should be

pointed out that the personnel were in retal buildings during some of the

fallout tise and for most of the tine thereafter until evacuation.


reduced the direct contexination as well as the uhole-tedy gama dose.
4 fiir badge banging on the canter pole of a tent «t one end of the island
read 9€ roentguns.

Caloulations based on dose rate readings af another

part of the island indicated somewhat lower doses, if persenne] had

recsined in the open for the period ef tire from fallout (about H plus
7.§ hours) to evacuation (at ahout F plus 34 hours).

Upon arrival at

Kwajalein one personnel gamma dose rate reading vas as high as 250 mr/hr

about E plus 34 hours.


Tae aboye date do suggest that there may be possible a rough

bracketing of gazcua-beta doves versus beta burns.

On the ane hand, the

netives from Utirik received an estinuted vhole~body gauma dose of 15
roentgens and showed no evidence of beta burns.

On the otter hand, the

natives on Sifo Island, Aflinginas Atoll, received about an estinated
whole-body gama dose of 75 roentgens with 14 persomel shoving slight


Select target paragraph3