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€@ e@stimxied as well as their eflceta an mediation

Leacsi-y¢ offsets wre atedied on sila koe) 130 miles from crrousd

sero Wiere fallout

ad occurred duri g “pa ot~'ao! ole.

were iusicuifica ‘ly lower tre: t ose predict d

to t7le2arier a pertod of more t &5 une -ear,

- racloloyical deoay according

‘me example of tre effects

of woncs wawas o serwed during Upsnot-Kast: ole.

Tose rave readicgs

te6 fallout from t e

17, 1903 cer at) oc was in a lone marr pattern to t.@ east of ground
‘ce areond da, ater fallout @ rai er etm ¢ surface wid

@itri¢g t anslet across tie area, for a cut a periad of a day,
reac gs were takes og te first ad fourt
Lan wore Gauyered.

oo o¢ fou.

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lew alzost

Tose rate

das ai 1 ¢ same locatio -a ard


ca dose pecos were less,

3 factors of t ree

© ayvcetad Inom toe firs’ dacs read! rea,

eased on

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of tm 92,

(ot er fallout reasvrece ts f.cteaved iat

rate of feca

a° t ts fallovi se erial rns not ateaifieentiy eifferen’.



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