frectin a:ed doscsa,

Of course, Jail: rac‘ia..o

doses received from fallout are

mot equally fractionated eo tiat te racio would @ in ie dirweric
Tay by day doses delivered from fallout from t-« 15t

of unity.

da to ow year Are more

nearly eq:ivalent t-an at earls times (ig oring the wea! ering facter).


data do not extend ‘evend LO days aid it 1a questio # le to extrapolate his cata
ia aa attempt to derive @ similar ratio as a.ove based o.: ome year, aiooe ot-er
uneertaic:ties are @o great, 1.0., effects of weatreri ¢ as affecting t.e rate of dose
delivers, ete.

Tre ski

“he ratio would presuma i ce from mity ta; for a ls<day

is/relatively ranidl; repaired orga: aod thus amy terd to over-

er~ gpiae te ef ects of fractiowtion wen conaicerivg wi dle-edy garnma doses.


Graikit* Peparta “J> te dog, with co. alt gawca ras, t ¢ dose t-at will xili
CO perce: of t e¢ dora i a tirty-ca,; period we: delivered in a a: fl: coger at
mee lo Wor per at wie ie acre imetel 275 r. Atter t 48 dose of radiaiia tse
G&.mala cegovae Lil wit ia nertos of J ta 10 des aid deat.s eccur etesen te

ero. @ * twent =io"


“omorr aye, i feeti ina, ad prefound ancala are

prewaleot, if te dee Ls teersased t6 100 r per da give. ower a fourterne our
period, toe
let al cote ta ficpemncd to OG Of re Unter ot sonditisas, te
a ietis dle is @encux tpaceL. te sare period o° time wiv idectieal pa wvestatio sa,

Tf t@ exeregure is drow. ac i 25 proper say give over @ fourteeow our periad,
le? al dove is ten inersased to well over 1705 r, acd 4 o 8 mptoae ad findings
are ca. 6d,”
‘me pro. lex in sve experio ute is t.e evalauatio.. of possi Lilt:
1st ¢ ¢ aAuinmale me ote wirtuall, dead w i]- t«¢ ex osures are eoitinved.



oe filus- mated {rn exrerime ts us. - te crro were the dally dosee of L065,

2X ad LOG poectizge a given tu t ree separate groups required 3606 tu 4000,
to 3200, a


2000 to 2600 total roentge.s respestivel: for 100 per eent let alit,**.

* Medical Aspects of Radiological Lefense. Cronkite, 2.F.

Lecture to Federal “ivil

Tefense Aduinistratio., Regional unference of Wort easter: States of Radiclorical

acd Clemicel fefense, New lork City, Gcioler 22, 1953,

J SLAW?95, L2sponse of t.e Turre to LIX r fractional Ssole-od; Oasma Sa, saciationr.






Tu“aeleasai fled.

Ue Roms mne
boo’ Boy ia



Select target paragraph3