Whole body and bone marrow

0.25 Rem/yr

Thyroid and bone


+ Rern/30 yrs

Plutonium soil cleanup should be handled

ona case-by-case basis considering all
radiological conditions. Cleanup of
contaminated soil should be implemented
by a team of experts in the field using the
following general guidance applicable to
this specific operation.

Below 40 pCi/ym

- no action

Over 406 pCi/gm

- cleanup

40-400 pCi/sm

0.75 Rem/yr


- appropriate action

Decontamination of YVONNE is seen as an

iterative process that amounts to a search
for the higher plutonium levels in soil with
removal and storage according to the
guidance provided. If a method of plutonium
cdisposalis 260 available during the cleanup
pnase, the quarantine of the island should
be continued.


Villages should be located on southern islands
ALVIN through KEITH.


Visits may be made to ailislands except


Commercial and subsistence food production
shouid De limited to southern islands, except
for coconuts.


Fishing is permitted anywhere.



Radiation levels on JANET prohibit re-

settlement now.

Resettlement may occur

when test plantings of subsistence and
commerciai crops show radioactivity levels
within FRC standards.


There should be base-line surveys of body
burdens of selected radionuclides for the
snewetait people prior to return and periodic
resurvey Oi tie people and environment after

prec eme A Tersyneeeneepra?ad


age ss



PSNR. ercal _


Select target paragraph3