5.0 Study of thermal injury ( pigs)
2,1 Study of tine relationahins of mom to atom bomb detonation,
3ee Study of action of various cormonents of thormal radiation
amd fonivinge radiation in causation of burns,

74° Conpamtive study of chances in skin due to 2tan comb burns
and laboratory flash burns.

4.0 Study of hematologic changes due to atom bomb radiation (large animals)
4,1 Routine honogr-ms on all lirgs «inals
4.2 Study of hemorrhagic tendency itn lars cninals .ith acute
radiation injury

5.0 Study of distribution of Mission -roductss
utilize animals axnosed in ~mfect °.0.

This 3atudy 411

3a) Elolozical Josimstry: “he resvonse or Tradescanti:, Jsurmscora,
nice, Asvergillus and corn All be studiod ©o crovila 'chsexs!' ‘Ath
she uhystieal dosinstry.

7.0 Study of conetioal offeets of atom bamb radiation: This study “All
utilize the Neurosvorm, Aspergillus and corn excosed in 6.3; and
will extend previous observations of tha same sort.
8.9 Obeervations of affects of atam bomb detonation on local fauna and

flora by a junlified natur List.

Ce Organization: The biological test program is planned to be a cooperative
activity involving ro-resentatives of the Atomic itnersy
Coemiaston ami the National dilitery cstablishment, ‘The
individual studies will ba performed under contract ith the

It is contemmlated that all the biolov:ical research

grouvs ‘vill obtain their animals from the «nimal colony, and

will share the facilities of ‘he biological Inboratory. Asa
corollary, they should :ilso share in the cost of the biologie

al teat ~rogrem. The de cig¢m of the ~miority of the sxparinents
is such that nost of the studies on the oxnsced ~aterial can

be rerformed in tho “nited


Resvectfully submitted,

7 July 1349,


Ceorgs V. LoRoy, (1. Ds

Ghairman, ad hoe Comittee.

Select target paragraph3