
This report is one of the reports presenting the results of the

34 projects participating in the Military Effects Program of Operation
CASTLE, For readers interested in other pertinent test information,
reference is made to WT-934, Report of the Commander, Task Unit 13,

Military Effects Program. This summary report includes the following
information of possible general interest,
(a) An over-all description of each detonation, including yield,
height of burst, ground zero location, time of detonation, ambient
atmospheric conditions at detonation time, etc., for the operation,
(>) Discussion of all project results.


(c) A summary of each project, including objectives and results,
(d) & complete listing of all reports covering the Military Ef-

fects Test Program,

The encouragement and assistance of Dr, E. P, Cronkite, Project
Officer of Project 4.1, Operation CASTLE, is gratefully acknowledged,
LTJG R, Sharp (MSC) USN aided in the collection of much of the informa-


tion in the field and assisted with the calculations.
Data relevant to dosage calculation were made available by many
sources, Information on energy distribution of the gamma radiation

was furnished by Dr. C, 5S. Cook and the Nuclear Radiation Branch at
the U, S, Naval Radiological Defense Laboratory (NADL), Radiochenical

data supporting calculated radioactive decay rates were supplied by

Dr, C, F, Miller, Dr. N, E, Ballou, and the Chemical Technology Divi-

sion of NEDL, and Dr, R, W. Spence of the los Alamos Scientific Labora-

tory (LASL).

COR F. W. Chambers (MSC) USN of the Naval Medical hesearch Insti-

tute (NMRI) kindly furnished field depth dose data obtained at Operation UPSHDT/KNOTHOLE, Particular thanks is due: Colonel C, E, Maupin
(MC) USA of Field Command, Armed Forces Special weapons Project, and

Dr, H, Scoville, of Headquarters, Armed Forces Special weapons Project.

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