dietary intake for a given radionuclide.

For instance, the average daily

strontium-90 intake for residents of New York City for the month of May,

-:, 1967 (Bikini was resurveyed in April-May 1967), published in Radiological
* Health Data and Reports, Volume 9, Number 6, June 1968, was 18.9 picocuries
. . per day.

The associated intake of calcium was about one gram per aay.

the projected


diet expected to apply to the Bikini population if they return

in 1970, the intake would be about 114 pci/day of strontium-90, provided the
Gaily calcium intake is one gram.

The returning population is to be provided

a dietary supplement to bring calcium intake up to one gram or more per day.
, This is a worthwhile health measure independent of any radiological considera-

| tion.

The daily intake of strontium-90 associated with the Federal Radiation

‘Council guide for the general population is 200 pCi/aayper gram calcium
(top of Range II).

However, the daily intake of strontium-90, associated

with a one gram per day intake of ealciu, which averaged over a year would
., lead to a dose equivalent to the level of the FRC's Radiation Protection Guide
is 600 pCi.

FRC adopted the lower level of 200 pCi intake per day because it

found no operational need for releasing larger quantities to the environment

- under normal operating conditions.
Question 9C

‘ Since all the muclides on Bikini obviously did not decay in 20 years, where
did they go? Were they washed by the rain from Bikini into the ocean?
Answer 9

‘As to where radionuclides on Bikini have gone, the action of weathering

Select target paragraph3