Question JA

How do you reconcile the rehabilitation of. Bikini Island with all the~
_ dire predictions about extinction of life there, and genetic monstrosities
and irremediable harm to the ecology?

° answer 9A

As anticipated, there is no evidence the radioactive materials in the
environs of the Bikini Island have resulted in genetic monstrosities or
irremediable harm to the ecology.

The decision on rehabilitation of Bikini Atoll was made only aftera
_ careful evaluation of levels of radioactivity that are present in the environ-


These levels were measured throughout a wide range of samples including

dietary items collected in 1964 and again in 1967.

Also included in the

1967 data are an extensive collection of external radiation measurements taken

throughout the atoll.
Question 9B

Who possesses the studies which must have been made on the present contamination levels of Bikini flora and fauna? How do they compare with levels in
the United States?




Reports containing the technical data and exposure estimates are availabi

for examination at the Public Document Room in ARC's Washington office at
1717 H Street.

There are measurable levels of some of the longer lived radionuclides
in edible plants and animals at Bikini Atoll.

However, a number of the items

in the Bikini diet are unique to that environment with no direct comparison
possible in the United States.

More appropriate is a comparison of daily

Select target paragraph3