Several points can be made a) these values are based on the collection
of large amounts of date and highly refined interpretations of analytical
nature, b) for comparison it should be noted that the dose from natural

- background radiation is about 120 mrads for a single year and about. 5000

' mrads for a comparative period of time (i. e., to year 2000), c) none of
the other radionuclides dispersed in the fallout produced radiation doses

anywhere near those indicated in the Table.

However higher doses than

these indicated in the table for external and internal (to year 2000)
were sustained to the thyroid gland of some individuals during the time
atmospheric nuclear testing was in progress but these dose commitments

_ can only be estimated for local groups.


In respect to radioactive waste management, inventories of specific

radionuclides are a basic tool, particularly for the large quantities
' involved in fuel reprocessing.

The long-range planning for such repro-

cessing is based in part on highly complex computer codes for the generation of radionuclides under various parameters of reactor operation, combined
with economics-based forecasts on the growth of the industry.

This detailed

breakdown is most useful in sizing and designing the reprocessing andwaste
storagefacilities (for example, in evaluating heat output from stored

In evaluating planned or accidental releases to water, the radio-

nuclide curie values must be weighted according to potential dose eontribution to be significant in terms of human exposure.

For mixed fission

products from fuels in general, strontium-90 will be the controlling radionuclide and precise breakdowns are not so important as in the storage design.

Select target paragraph3