




Discussion of Questions by Senator cravel


It seems that the AEC is responsible only for the dilution of contaminants,
but that no one is responsible for controlling or even for keeping track
-or the Cotul amounts of radioactivity ereated and releused to the environment.

Is this true?

Does anyone know to what extent muin-made radioactivity has already contuminated
this planet?
Is there an inventory of the total number of curies from all sources and for
all purposes?
Can anyone estimate, for instance, how many curies were created cy Americans

in 1968?

Under the Atomic Energy Act of 1954, as amended, the Atomic Energy Commission
is responsible for assuring that all of its activities are carried out in
such a way that the health and safety of the public is protected.

The Act

provides that tne Commission shall regulate the possession, use and transfer
of source, byproduct and special nuclear materials and the construction and
operation of nuclear facilities (such 2s nuclear power reactors and irradiated
fuel reprocessing plants), in accordance with safety standards established
by rule, regulation or order of the Commission.

The Act prohibits the

possession, use and transfer of such materials except as authorized by
license issued by the Commission or by exemption from liceasing requirements.
ABO regulations governing the issuance of a license to possess, uss
and transfer byproduct miterial are set forth in 10 CFR Perts 30-36; for
source material and Part 40; for special nuclear materiel Part 70 and for
nuclear facilities Part 50,

Licensees are subject not only to safety re-

quirements set forth in their licenses but also te goneral health and safety

Select target paragraph3