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With the decision cf the United States Food and Drug Administration
o monitor inconing shipments of tuna, the shippinzs companies operating
1% of Japan initiated a requirexent that the Japancse certify export
scioments as being free of racioactivity,









st nti we a Ondeeenbelen te tn se ENNbd beten mereedatembmatineetne ot mel Ob tn beemte

fish w2s a wise one,
There is reason to dSclieve that contamination was
ecnfince to the surface of the fish an2 occured wren the ratioactive asos
fcll ant. entered the ships hol¢c,

When I arrivod in Japan on March 22, the Japanese had alreacy monitored

their first outgoing shipment of frozen tuna, The Ministry of Welfare
undertook to have its sanitation inspectors trainec in the use of geiser
counters anc began the routine inspection of both incoming and outgoing
tuna at five ports, <All vessels were instructed to return to one af these
ports, Five seizer counters were obtainec from the Far East Command and 1
loaned to the Japanese, In ad¢cition, they mustered approximately the sane
nunber from verious scurces in Javan,
Cn March 24,

at a conference with the Japenese Government officials,

they asked for ny recommenCation for maximum permissible contamination.

They also asked that I recommenc the kind of examination that shoulé be

nace of the fish,

Because of my unfamiliarity with the mechanical Ceteils of handling
tuna shipments, I suzgestcc that I be permitted to stucy tuna loscing
opsrations scheculed for the following day, Thereupon it was arranged
that I snovl. accompany Japanese officials to Yokohena where the Satan
as Deing loacea with frozen albacor,
Tune siilpnaents involve many fish and it is n

sroperly with inexpericnce¢e personnel and only a5 few surv

Based on ny inspection of the Baten, I suggestedthat everytenth fishtbene:
monitored for about 1 minute by passing an open wincow GM: probe® over the >
surface of the fish, paying particular attention to the gills. I also
instructee thea to insert the probe into the mouth of the tuna anc into
tne abcominal incision through the fish,
- There remaineé the question of criteria for rejection of fish found
to be contaminated. Again it is not a simple matter to evaluate the risk
to 2 consumer of tuna from mcasurcrents made in this way. I informed the
Jaoanese that I vas unable to propose a realistic fizure. without sone


On the other hand it was ny bolicf that sisnificantly contaminated

fish were not likely to be founé,
th caeieten Gmananatblninen. 2 eatin tanmee eineatt mien ante s+

fish was, of course, a possibility.

Low level fall out to the skins of the

This seemed to be of little significance

in view cf existing cannery practices which strips the skins from tle fish
when processing begins, I told the Japanese I woulc be stancing by in
Tokyo, that they shovle continue to monitor tt fish by the tethoc I ©
proposed, anc that when ané if contaninated fish were found I should be
acvised and given the opportunity immcdiately to make a first hané inspection
£ the fish, My recommendations woulk. depenc on what I found.
Ko conteninated tuna have dDcen brought to ny attontion.,


heve occasionally reportec incomin: shipmonts of contaminated fisn out th

Japanese had not reqnestec that I meke an examination of then,

Select target paragraph3