eaCT104; This offer was wale on Mere 22, On Mereh 20 we cttairned
urine fron two patients, On April 1 we obtained urine from 5 more, We

have not obtained urine from the remaining 16 patients éespite our repeated attcnpts to do so,

(2) I offereé to scan the fishormon for radiation, using two Scinti-

seters treat I had available,

ACTION: I have been wiable to do this because they have not pern
the American tean to have access to the patients,
(3) In response to the Japanose request I offered to provide a report
on the tiologsically siznificant racio-isotopes present in the ash,

Dr, Nekaizuni gave ne a small’ amount of teck sweepings fron

the Fuzuryu Meru,

This I have sent to the Health and Safety Lacoratory

for futarc stucy. The composition of the ash was actually known to the
Commission from analyses pverformec by the Air Force on the natcrial obtained
from the Fuxuryu Maru prior to my visit. Authorization for transmission
of this information to the Japanese’ was communicated to me in telegram No,
2199 from tre Secretary of State to the Ambessador,. I transmitted this

information to Dr, xobayoshi on April 7,

(4) I offered to arrange for aninal stucies which woulc provice
useful information on absorption and metabolism of the various racio—
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FLT ANF ek cs tm tae 8


enemicel components of the ash.

aCTION: The Japancse reported the extent of the* total’ ‘anount, of ‘ach
recovered as 50 millocurics, They now deny that this much is available
anc have no inventory of the matcrial, Except for the small amount of
asrn turne.. over to me by Dr. Lakaizuni anc a sinilaramount |waich:T.. recovered ~ .
on a subsequent visit to the Fukuryu Maru, no ash has been
to us,

(5) In response to Japanesc requests, I agreed to recommend monitoring
preocecures for the tuna inspectors,
ACTION: Yonitoring proceture was Cevisec but I deferred the question
of meximun
- pernissatle contamination until more information becsane available
on the oxtont and tipe of contaninsation. I agreod to stand by until the
first contaminatec tuna were found by inspection, at which time I would go
to the scone of inspection anc recormené specifically on the basis. of my own
observations whether the catch shovlé be accepted or rejected, As noted
elsewhere in some dctail, the Japanese never permitted me to exarine tuna
which was alletgely coxteninated,
The misneap to the Fukuryu Karu created a number of scparate, but interreletca problems, Of these, the most ursont was the clinics] status of
the 23 fishcrmon, a subject with which Dr, Morton is exclusively concerned

ang about wiicn he will report separately, Other probleys which require
attention were:

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Select target paragraph3