Brie gee



Moasurcrnents made by various investigators Curing the period
vetwoen March 20-26 are in agrecnent, It is curious that the BetaGanma ratio is about 1, This would incicato that the bulk of the ash

had by this time penctrated to the porous woot structure of the ceck,

tus atsorbing the Betas, Tho Gamma raCiation over most of the ship was
aoproxinately 20 mr. per hour when the ship arriveg in port, If we oxtra-

polate this back to H # 3 hours, the time the ash begen to fall, the inte
grate, Gamma dose is abcut 100 R,

Cf course, the ash Yas falling from H

plus 3 hours to about H plus 9 nours,

If we take the mid-point of this

perioc as the start of exposure we find the exposure is about 70 R. This,
however, cstimatos the whole tody Gamma raciation from residual cebris
still on the shiv when the first messuremcnts were mate, The actual dose
could have been 2, 10, or even 100 tines higher depencing on how much ash
ws washed orf the ship °n@ at what time,
We have nace a number of discreet inquirics in the hopes that
photographic film might have teon available azoar’ the ship ang might possiDly be usc. as a Gosimeter. All efforts to date have been negative,

+ oem

Jevtsition of Internal Enitters

There was an urgent reguirement to evaluste the extent to which
fission products had teen absorbed into the tissues of the fishernen,


ment that the prognosis for the fishermen was advursely affecteé by the |
probaability of excessive Ceposition of long-lived tone-seeking isotopes. ~
The Jxpanese scientists were Cesperately looking for*'an agent‘to =mobilize
these isotopes anc Dr. Lewis belioves that they hed administered. EDTA to
the pationts, Cespite the fact that urine anelysis was beyond their
eapsbdility anc they were therefore unable to deternine either theneed for~= s
EDTA or the offect oroluced by it, Apart from the fact that theywere ~
unable to uncertake urine anclysis at that tinc, it is also evidentthat
hey Cid not understand the cynamics of fission procuct metabolism and were
not used to thinking in terns of urinary excretion levels AS an incex
of absorption ane deposition,
They were anxious to provide me with samples of urine for State-side
anelysis, Two samples were Coliverecd on March 26 anc five more on March
30, As yet we heve not received. samples from the remaining 16 patients,

The sauples receive’ were properly forwarced to the Health ani Safety
Laboratory anc I have hac tao results of gross an-lysis of the first two

ssmples, I commnicatec these results to Dr, Kotayashi in the attached
letter which is sclf—cxglanatory,
ee mee -


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As mentioned carlier, Dr, Yakaiczumi hac concluded from his mouse experi— ©

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