6 April 1954
Dr. R. Kobayashi ~ 2

I regret that I am unable to give you the results of analysis
of urine from the 21 other patients. Knowing that those data would be
highly important to your committee in its evaluations of the medical

status of these patients, we have offered to undertake radiochemical
urine analysis of all 23 paticnts. The urine from only two patients

has been delivered to us in time to permit shipment to the States and

analysis by this date. More recently, samples from five additional
patients from the Tokyo University Hospital were delivered to us, but we
have not as yet received samples from the 16 patients now hospitalized

at the Daiichi Hospital.

Respectfully yours,

Merril Eisenbud

Director, Hoalth and Safety Laboratory

United States Atomic Jnergy Commission


Dr. Nakaidzunt

Dr. Kakehi

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