me -

Dr. T. HN. White



Anaare aratermeal


April 15, 1954

altogether. As it was, when they started to evaporate some of the specimens
they found thet almost three-fourths of the game activity was disappearing.
This activity was first found by putting rew samples right into the arm
counter. This ought to make Perrings happy.
Pat Schiavone turned up here on Monday and Bill, who is driving from Los
Angeles, should be here later in the week. My own trip was quite comfortable
as I managed in Kwaj to get aboard the Super-Constellation coming from Guan.
I got to Hiekam about two hours ahead of Dick Durant who was on the Flyaway.
As always, it is a little surprising to find life going on here es usual.
You probably noticed that I left behind a supply of liquor tickets which
should be enough to keep you in a pleasant glow for a considerable period of
time. I hope this act will not adversely affeot your standing in the chess

Quite a number of people should be coming home, thereby leaving life on the
island less crowded and less confused. We hope it continues enjoyable and
also uncomplicated.
Sincerely yours,

Health Division Leader


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