oxide spheres produced from vapor condensation of structural material
used to make the nudear explosive

(Crocker, et al.,



nuclides of refractory elements tend to be in the larger particles,
while radionuclides of volatile elements tend to be the smaller particles,
The particles tend to be of submicron size, and so even local fallout
is similar in composition to worldwide fallout from any tests (Heft,
1970, p. 274).

The radioactivity of the fallout remaining on the islands will
decrease not only from the natural radioactive decay, but also from
weathering effects.

Wind can transfer surface deposits of fallout

from one location to another.

However, after 15 years of this action

at Eniwetok Atoll, a significant decrease in radioactivity or repositioning of radioactivity seems unlikely henceforth to result from
wind effects,
Furthermore, rain can wash the water

soluble or loosely adhering

radionuclides to deeper depths in the soil, from which depths the soil
above would provide some radiation shielding protection for persons
being exposed.

The amount of this rain-form of weathering, called

leaching, depends upon the chemical and structural properties of
the fallout particles as well as on climate conditions

et al., 1965).


Typically, leaching alone would halve the radioactivity

over a period of years (Glasstone, 1964, p. 458).

For Eniwetok Atoll,

the future decrease of radioactivity by leaching is difficult to estimate


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