"Tissues of a few marine specimen were analyzed for Cs 37 (37-year
half-life) since this nuclide was present in high concentrations in

water and coconut milk from this area.

The tissues of the rooster. and

of the coconut crab contain significant amounts of Cs at

A very high

fraction of Cs 3t activity was noted in the muscle of the rooster (40

percent of the total beta). *

Further radioanalysis of marine specimen

indicated that the rare earth group constituted a few percent of the
total beta activity.



and rr9? -Nb?? contributed the largest

percentage of the total beta activity.”
The AFL reports:

" m=The sr”

values for food plants, except coconuts,

collected in October 1955 approximate the theoretical porpor-

tion of mixed fission products activit

cent. Coconuts contained 0.1 percent sr?
correction for time of collection.---

t 1.7 years, 4 perwith appropriate

"---Jn contrast to the strictly marine forms, ths coconut

erab, which feeds principally on land plants, had Sr’~


of 3 percent in the muscle and 12 percent in the hepato-pancreas

or liver, where caicium salts are stored.. The radioisotopes in
salts seachgg from the carapace were found to consist entirely
of Sr? oree

"a--Radionuclides of Sr, Cs, Ce and their daughters did not

account for the total activity in most (fish) samples analyzed.

Complete fission product analyses of samples collected at
Eniwetok and Bikini Atolls indicate that non~-fission-product

radionuclides may account ger more than half of the total
activity in some fish.
contributes one-fourth or more of
the total activity in shark muscle as determined by radiochemical

analysis and confirmed by following the decay."

(2n©5 is not a fission product.)
The two year survey by "NRDL continues to indicate the high
* See Section IV


Select target paragraph3