The first village and

immediate food crops are to be placed on Fneu. No precautions are required on Eneu because of the very low levels of radioactivity there,

. even lower than in the U. S.


for the present to the Bikini-Eneu Complex.

The radioactive scrap metal near former

test sites should not be used for any purpose and is to be removed. The
people may go anywhere in the Atoll but homes are to be built only on

Eneu and Bikini. The fish and other foods from the lagoon are safe to
eat as well as the birds, turtles, and their eggs. Further studies are

to be conducted to insure that what has been predicted is in fact happening
and that the precautions to be taken are sufficient.

Lt. Col. Gomes, Mr. Al Carter, and I left Kwajalein Tuesday morning arriving
in Honolulu that afternoon. In Honolulu we discussed the trip with Mr.

Bonnet and briefed him and his staff on results of the trip. Representatives of H & N staff were also present. Mr. Bonnet agreed to act ona
verbal request for estimates of cost for removing contaminated debris and
for cleanup of deteriorated test materials and facilities left on the
islands, such estimates to be sent to Headquarters AEC for transmittal
to Department of Interior. He also agreed to provide estimates of cost

of the total job of rehabilitating the Atoll for AEC use.

While this completes the story for this report, there are several items
worthy of note that occurred during or after the trip:


Missing land - This is a subject certain to be raised in future

discussions with Interior since it appeared to be a sore point with

the natives, i.e. they agreed to allow the U. 5. use of their lands
but some of it is not being returned and will never be returned.
We will need to know just how much is missing. Information is
possibly available from the iaboratories and H & N to make a before
and after comparison.

Press coverage - So far there has been little public knowledge or
interest in this project.

This could chance.

It is my understanding

from Mr. Mydans that next weeks issue of Life Magazine (the week of

October 14) will contain his story and pictures of the trip.
He has
called this week for information on the two missing islands that
were West of Nam and near Bravo test.
Information sufficient to
answer his questions was obtained from Mr. Bob Newman av LASL.
There have been other news items in various newspapersand a series

of articles in both the Honolulu Star-Bulletin and Seattle Times.



This should be done now.

Select target paragraph3