There was little if any indication of a rediation level



lagoon shore.

above the beach background which was atout 10-15 yr /hr on“the instrument.
The party went ashore on Eneu Friday.
I led the visitors through the
brush to the assembly building which wes still in good condition.
large scrap dump on the southern tip ox Eneu was monitored with levels
of about 4 to § uR /hr which is backzround on Eneu.
Other scrap near

the piers aiso showed bacxground.

‘The only reservation I have for =Eneu

coneerns the decon area just inshore from the piers on the legoon shore.
The area is densely overgrown and tne fence and radiation warning signs

are still in place.

This area should te cleared of vegetaticn and checked

for radioactivity prior to unrestricted use.

Two coconut crabs were taken by the natives on Eneu and

the question raised

as to whether they could be eaten end if so, what about crabs from the

other islands.
I was reminded that I nad reported at Kili there were to be
no radiological precautions on Ene.
= replied that this is true, and in

order not to create doudz acout the AEC recorn-cendavions, = agreed that the

two crabs taken on Eneu could be eaten. I stated further the* upon return
home, I wouid check to see if any eiditional guidance should ce given on
eating crabs from various islands in the atoll.
I do not knew if the two
crabs from Eneu were actually eaten but we made a roint cZ eating the
coconuts and langusta to shew the ratives we had no concern Yor their use.

In discussions with Mr. Norwood I red suggested that if time termitted it
would be desirable to maxe & quick swing arolind the Atoll in crder to’ give
the engineers a look at the concre zs bunkers, towers, ani contaminated






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scrap tnat is to be seer ony on other isiands.
Tne natives =iso were
desirous of visiting other islands.
Friday. arterncon tne decision was
made that we would stay one sadditicnal Gsy to make a trip arcund the ae
That night Mr. Norwood asxeé if I wsulé plan such @ trip so as
as many points of interest <9 the engineers as practicabl= in
The maps we had developed following the 1967 visit showin: bunker and
tower location and areas containing contaminated scrap were used to plan
a number of landings and departures estimated to taxe a csy oF travel.
Representatives of the press were enxicus to obtain photcs of bunkers,
contaminated scrap, etc. Mr. Norwcecd asreed to their coming slong but
cautioned we would be moving quicx.: from place to place end would not
take kindly to being held uz.
Press representatives agreei to cooperate
and they did.

Select target paragraph3