Lt Col Gomes, DMA, and I arrived in Honolulu Friday night, Aug 23.
breakfast the next morning we met with Mr. William Bonnet of the
Honolulu Area Office to discuss the trip.


We also met Mr. Al Carter of

the H & N Staff who was to assist us.
We met Commissioner Norwood
and other representatives of the Trust Territory Government and of the
press at Majuro on Sunday, August 25. On Majuro we were briefed by



" Mr. Norwood on the proposed itinerary and there was opportunity to meet
the rest of members of his party. At this time Mr. Norwood indicated
we would probably visit only the islands of Bikini and Eneu which meant
there would be no opportunity for the engineering types to see the
contaminated scrap areas first hand.

We left Majuro Sunday afternoon on board the James
Kili. On the way to Kili there wes opportunity to
Williams, Seattle Times, about the 1964 AEC survey
@ member. He had good recollection of what he had

M. Cook bound for
talk with Hill
of which he was
seen in the Atoll

although not as much time was spent in the area in 1964 as we had spent

in 1967.

Prior to reaching Kili I was called aside by Mr. Norwood to talk

about the meeting we would have with the Bikini people the next day.

sald he anticipated questions on the safety aspects of returning the


people to Bikini and asked if I would be prepared to answer them.
stated that it was important that such questions be answered forthrigntly
since any evasiveness on our part would be quickly detected.
I agreed
to help and stated that so far as possible I intended to use material
developed by staff of EM and tne recommendations of the AD Hoe Committee
to answer such questions.
During the night we crossed the international date line so that the next

day was Tuesday rather than Monday.

At Kili we were given a warm welcome

and were greeted with flowers and singing.
The reception line must have
contained every man, woman, and child on tne island.
The meeting, initially
indoors, was moved outdoors so more people could see and hear and better
photographs could be taken.
There were talks by the High Commissioner,

by Mr. Heine the District Administrator, and by several members of the
Bikini Council.


Next there were questions on whether the islands were safe and whether
the food was safe to eat.
I told them the problem had been studied and that
@ group of experts meeting in Washington had concluded the islands were safe
for their return provided certain measures were taken.
I summarized the
recommendations of the Ad Hoc Committee report telling them that for the
present, only the Bikini-Eneu complex is to be rehabilitated and that while
they may go anywhere in the Atoll for such purposes as fishing and food
collection, villages are to be built only on Bikini and Eneu.
TI emphasized
that the food from the lagoon would be safe to eat.
Chutaro, the interpreter
for Norwood's party told me later that the natives have some fear for returning

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