
The wasps normally are not aggressive and do not seek out or

attack people.

The sting is in accordance with most polistene

type stings with a wheel-flair reaction and pain lasting from


ten - twenty minutes. ''En Masse’ attacks were not reported —~
although some people recalled being stung 4 or 5 times. One- _
report of 20 stings could not be confirmed and is considered


unlikely. It should be noted that aggressive reactions were .
only noticed when the integrity and safety of the colony or :..

nest was directly threatened.




No mosquitoes were collected though light traps, natural and artificial
nesting stations were used. Furthermore, interviews indicated no one
has been bitten by a mosquito. High winds are the major factor
restricting the establishment of mosquito populations.

Spiders are present throughout the atoll's islets. Specimens of what
appears to be the black widow have been collected by personnel of
the MPML though none were found during this survey. The only island
reporting the collection of L. mactans is Enjebi (Jane). Specimens
have been sent to the Bishop Museum, Hawaii for confirmation. No
other venomous spiders have been reported from or collected from the




Snakes are not present on Jinewetak Atoll.

Flies affecting man appear limited to several species of the genus
Musca or house flies and sarcophaga (flesh flies). In most cases the

breeding areas are in andaroundwaste disposal sites.
small and of nuisance value.

Populations are

Some transmission of enteric diseases

is possible though not likely.due to good sanitary practices and
structural integrity of buildings.






The rodent populations require control of the earliest possible date.
Baiting with zinc phosphide is the most acceptable to this writer.
other baits are ava table: A special annex to this report will be
prepared with specific guidelines on baiting requirements.


Bait stations containing zinc phosphide in a formulation acceptable to
the rats should be used.

Several prebaits should be tested without the

bait should be employed.
prior to baiting.

Each islet should be prebaited immediatcly

presence ‘of zinc phosphide to determine which is the most acceptable
to the rats. Upon comletion of prebaiting the actual zinc phosphide


Select target paragraph3