Test Site.
Hardtack -

These were Castle - 1954,

Redwing - 1956,




The visits to the islands were made possible by the
cooperation of Task Force 7.1 and the Trust Territory of the
United States.

Two to five-man teams were flown to the

islands to collect samples which were refrigerated,
to the Eniwetok Marine Biological Laboratory,

weighed, dried,



packaged and then sent to the Laboratory of

Radiation Biology,
Sing and analysis.

Seattle, Washington,

for further proces-

The samples were prepared on 1.5-inch

stainless steel planchets and counted for gross beta radioactivity in either one of two counting systems operated in
the Geiger-Muller region:


One and one-half-inch end-

window "pancake" type Anton tube in a 3-inch lead Anton
shield connected to a Nuclear Chicago Model 181 scaler and
equipped with an automatic sample changer.

This system has


a background of about 18 counts per minute and an efficiency

of approximately 12 per cent based on K*9.

(b) An internal

counting chamber continuously flushed with methane in a
Radiation Counter Laboratory Nucleometer Mark 9,

Model 3.

Select target paragraph3